

IFBA Planning Meet

IFBA lays its focus on the industry challenges (e.g., in food regulations, consumer response
system, crisis management) faced by individual member organizations for adequate redressal
to ensure business continuity. IFBA Planning Meet (2023-24) was held on 17/7/2023 at The
Quorum, Gurugram. The meeting was held with an objective to discuss and arrive at the top 3
issues / challenges faced by the members for collective representation.
Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling (FOPNL) and High Fat, Salt and Sugar (HFSS) continues to
remain top priority for all members which is continuously tapped by IFBA for developments and
necessary submissions. Additionally, Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules and Single-Use-
Plastic (SUP) Ban, Measures for handling Spurious and Counterfeit products and Building
positive image of Ultra-processed foods emerged as top 3 common issues amongst the
Other potential issues discussed were as follows:
– FSSAI needs to conduct detailed Risk Management while notifying regulations
– Frequent Notifications (Operationalization Orders) issued by FSSAI for immediate
implementation impacting business
– FSSAI should reply to consumers on misleading social media posts
– Influencers without having credibility spreading misinformation
– Misbranding Litigations concerning manufacturer are attributed across supply chain
– Default Tolerance of Maximum Residual Limits (MRL) for pesticides
– Tolerance criteria for Nutritional Analysis
– Relaxation for Start-ups / MSMEs
– Sustainability (green laws)
The meeting was well represented by the top officials and subject matter experts from the

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